Tender Heart supportive Services is a social service organization with the primary purpose of assisting individuals, families and communities function as effectively as possible in the major domains of living. Our passion is a strong desire to help improving the overall quality of life of our consumers; we approach the unique needs of each individual with dignity, compassion and demand nothing less from each affiliated caregiver. Our consumers are from varying backgrounds and ages within the state of New Jersey.
We believe that all individuals with a disability are entitled to meaningful service and life. The services we offer help build each individual abilities. We work to develop effective strategies for
our consumers to ensure their wants and needs are being met. Our caregivers are carefully selected, which includes the interview process, a criminal background check, Social Security screening, Finger prints process, DMV record check and reference check both personal and professional.
Tender Heart Supportive Services is owned and operated with a personal touch. We strive to provide the highest quality caregiver to every consumer we serve; Tender Heart Supportive Services personal guarantee is that we are never satisfied until they are satisfied. The most important part of our service is the “heart” that we put into every match that we make between the caregiver and the consumer. We adopt the person-centered approach in the delivery of our services which enables us to promote service user choice and ensure their full participation as we treat them with respect, compassion, privacy and commitment
Individuals with developmental disabilities in New Jersey should be afforded the opportunity – like everyone else – to fully participate in their local communities. Tender Heart Supportive Services provides a variety of home and community-based supports and services to individuals with developmental disabilities to assist them in realizing full community participation. The Supports Program provides needed supports and services for adult individuals, 21 and older, living with their families or in other unlicensed settings.
Tender Heart Supportive Services provides a person-centered, comprehensive employment planning and support service that provides assistance for program participants to obtain, maintain or advance in competitive employment or self employment. It is a focused, time-limited service engaging a participant in identifying a career direction and developing a plan for achieving competitive, integrated employment at or above the state’s minimum wage.
Tender Heart Supportive Services in collaboration with the individual, develops strategies for each personally defined outcome related to the Community Inclusion Services as indicated in the ISP.
Tender Heart Supportive Services offers specialized academic tutoring to fit your needs on various subjects like Mathematics, English, Science, Computer Literacy, etc. Our tutors are experienced professionals and educators who provide private instruction to help our clients improve their educational performance, develop study skills, and gain occupational skills. They offer feedback, assess students' academic needs and craft individualized plans that support learning success.
Tender Heart Supportive Services provides training and counseling services for individuals who provide unpaid support, training, companionship or supervision to participants. For purposes of this service, individual is defined as: “any person, family member, neighbor, friend, companion, or co-worker who provides uncompensated care, training, guidance, companionship or support to a participant.”
We provide respite services to participants unable to care for themselves that are furnished on a short-term basis because of the absence or need for relief of those persons who normally provide care for the individual.
We have experienced Licensed Speech Therapists who provides individual or group session for participants in need of speech , language or hearing therapy: A group session is limited to one therapist with maximum of five participants.
This service includes activities needed to help a participant obtain and maintain an individual job in competitive or customized employment, or self-employment, in an integrated work setting in the general workforce for which an individual is compensated at or above the minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by individuals without disabilities.
We provide transportation to our participants to and fro doctors appointment, work, school etc.
This service is delivered to a participant face-to-face to support them in integrating more fully with community-based activities or employment. Interpreter services may be delivered in a participant’s home or in a community setting. For language interpretation, our interpreter service is delivered by an individual proficient in reading and speaking in the language in which the participant speaks.
Behavioral Supports includes a complete assessment of the challenging behavior(s), development of a structured behavioral modification plan, implementation of the plan, ongoing training and supervision of caregivers and behavioral aides, and periodic reassessment of the plan.
These are self-care and habilitation-related tasks performed and/or supervised by experienced staff in an individual’s own or family home or in certified community-based settings, in accordance with approved Plans of Care. Assistance to, as well as training and supervision of individuals as they learn and perform the various tasks that are included in basic self-care, social skills, activities of daily living and behavior shaping will be provided as specified in the individual's Plan of care.
Apply to be apart of the Tender Heart Team
Please contact us directly with any questions, comments, or scheduling inquiries you may have.
Feel free to fax any documents to (908)-935-0916
74 Main Street, Lebanon, New Jersey 08833, United States
Telephone Number: 908.437.0217
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
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